Back in high school, sitting at my friend Jason’s kitchen table, the two of us were talking about…something. I have no idea what. What I do remember, though, is sensing the germ of this novel taking root.
Today I’m a long way from high school: still, this story—its overarching themes, at least—continued tickling at the back of my mind. After too long, it’s finally finished!—the first novel, that is: the first of three. (And there may be a few more stories to tell that take place within the same universe. Someday.)
Right now, the Kindle ebook edition is available on Amazon for $3.99. Check it out, read the first two chapters at no cost. If you like where things are headed, add it to your reading list! And be sure to let me know your thoughts, both here and through a review on Amazon. If you’re more the physical, gotta-hold-it-in-my-hands type (me, too), I’ll have the paperback version available soon.